Professor Dr. A. N. M. Fazlul Haque, Vice Principal, MMC greeted Japanese team visiting department of Microbiology, MMC


Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi from Sapporo Medical University, Japan with Mr. Satoro Aida came to Department of Microbiology for a one week visit (02.12.16 to 08.12.16). Vice Principal Professor Dr. A. N. M. Fazlul Haque welcome the team and had discussion with them.




Among others Professor Dr. Md. Akram Hossain and Dr. Shymal kumar Paul were present.


Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, Head of the Department of Hygiene, Sapporo Medical University, Japan came to Department of Microbiology, MMC.


Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi from Sapporo Medical University, Japan  came to Department of Microbiology for a 9 day visit (9.7.16 to16.7.16). Today he met Principal of MMC Professor Sankar Narayan Das.




















Among others Professor Dr. Md. Akram Hossain, Dr. Shymal kumar Paul, Dr. Salma Ahmed, Dr. Nazia Hawue & Dr. Emily Rahman Khan were present.

Journal Club Presentation on “Rickettsia felis Infection among Humans, Bangladesh, 2012-2013” held on 26/10/2015.


Today, the Dept. of Microbiology conducted a journal club presentation entitled “Rickettsia felis Infection among Humans, Bangladesh, 2012-2013” in the college conference room of Mymensingh Medical College. The original journal article was published in a prestigious international journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases. It is a research work conducted in the Dept. of Microbiology, MMC in collaboration with the Sapporo Medical University, Japan. The session was presented by Assistant Prof. Dr. Nazia Haque and chaired by the Assoc. Professor & acting Head of the Dept. Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul. At the end of the prodigious presentation, there was a long lively discussion on different aspects of the topic. The audience asked different questions on the methodology, findings, conclusions and recommendations. The presenter and the chairperson responded well to all those queries with scientific knowledge and references. All the audience revered the presentation with high esteem. Acting Principal of MMC, Dr. Matiur Rahman Bhuyian concluded the session with valuable remarks. The Department of Microbiology, MMC once again proved its motto “Always One Step Ahead!”

Microbiology MMC rocks indeed!

বাংলাদেশী গবেষক ডাঃ সালমা আহমদ এর কৃতিত্বপূর্ন অর্জন


বাংলাদেশী গবেষক ডাঃ সালমা আহমদ, সহযোগী অধ্যাপক, মাইক্রোবায়োলজী বিভাগ, ময়মনসিংহ মেডিকেল কলেজ, ময়মনসিংহ  ৬ষ্ট আন্তর্জাতিক বৈজ্ঞানিক সেমিনারে অংশগ্রহন করে ২য় স্থান অধিকার করেছেন।

২৯ আগষ্ট, ২০১৫ ইং তারিখ খ্রিশ্চিয়ান মেডিকেল কলেজ (সিএমসি), ভেলোর, ইন্ডিয়াতে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েগেল ৬ষ্ট আন্তর্জাতিক বৈজ্ঞানিক সেমিনার। ২৭ আগষ্ট হতে ২৯ আগষ্ট ৩ দিন ব্যাপি এই বৈজ্ঞানিক সেমিনারের আয়োজক ছিল এশিয়ান ওশেনিয়ান জেনিটাল ইনফেকশনস এন্ড নিওপ্লাশিয়া (©AOGIN) ইন্ডিয়া। উক্ত সেমিনার দেশী বিদেশী বহু গবেষক অংশগ্রহন করন।

ময়মনসিংহ মেডিকেল কলেজের মাইক্রোবায়েলজী বিভাগের ৭ সদস্যের  গবেষকদের এক প্রতিনিধিদল উক্ত বৈজ্ঞানিক সেমিনারে অংশ গ্রহন করেন। এর মধ্যে ডাঃ সালমা আহমদ  সেমিনারে আয়োজিত পোষ্টার প্রদর্শনীতে বিপুল সংখ্যক দেশী বিদেশী অংশগ্রহনকারী গবেষকদের মধ্যে ২য় স্থান অধিকার করেন গবেষক প্রতিনিধি দলের অন্যান সদস্যরা হলেন- ডাঃ মুহাম্মদ চান মাহমুদ, ডাঃ সৈয়দা আনজুমান নাসরিন, ডাঃ নাজিয়া হক, ডাঃ হাবিবা বেগম, ডাঃ শাহিদা আবেদিন এবং  ডাঃ শফিকুল বারী তুহিন

ডাঃ সালমা আহমদ এর পুরস্কার প্রাপ্ত প্রদর্শিত পোষ্টার এর বিষয়বস্তু ছিল প্রসূতিকালীন রোগজীবানু এর এন্টিবায়োটিক রেজিস্ট্যান্স যা সারা বিশ্বে বিশেষভাবে বাংলাদেশে ইনফেকশনের চিকিৎসায় মারাত্মক উদ্বেগের কারন

ডাঃ সালমা আহমদ এর এই কৃতিত্বপূর্ন অর্জনে আমরা গর্বিত। আমরা তার উত্তরোত্তর সাফল্য কামনা করছি উল্লেখ্য যে,  তিনি অত্র বিভাগ থেকে ২০০৮ সালে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অধীনে এমফিল এবং ২০১৫ সালে জাপান এর সাপোরো মেডিকেল ইউনিভার্সিটির অধীনে পিএইচডি ডিগ্রী অর্জন করেন


Bangladeshi Researcher, Associate Professor of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College, Dr. Salma Ahmed’s startling  achievement

In the 6th International Scientific Seminar organized by the Asian Ocenian Genital Infections and Neoplasia (AOGIN), India 2015, held in Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, from 27-29 August, 2015, Dr. Salma Ahmed secured the 2nd position in poster presentation among a number of participants from home and abroad. It is worth mentioning that a 7 member team from the department of Microbiology, MMC took part in the seminar and two posters were presented. Other participants were Dr. Md. Chand Mahmud, Dr. Syeda Anjuman Nasreen, Dr. Nazia Haque, Dr. Shafiqul Bari Tuhin, Dr. Habiba Begum and Dr. Shahida Abedin.

The topic of the poster presentation was “Drug Resistance and Molecular Epidemiology of Aerobic Bacteria Isolated from Puerperal Infections in Bangladesh” which is a big concern in the management of infections all over the world and particularly in Bangladesh.

Dr. Salma Ahmed, Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology, MMC, graduated from Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College in 1990. Then she obtained MPH from NIPSOM in 2001, MPhil from the Department of Microbiology, MMC under Dhaka University in 2008 and PhD under Sapporo Medical University in 2015.

Mymensingh Medical College is proud of this glorify achievement of her. We wish her success in every sphere of life.

12th visit of Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, Professor of Sapporo Medical University, Japan.

Renowned scientist, Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi is currently visiting the Department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College. He arrived on the 15th instant, 2014 for his 5 days visit, to supervise Dr. Salma Ahmed - a PhD student and Associate Professor of this department, under JSPS RONPAKU PhD program. Besides, as a part of the continuing collaborative research activities, he will also supervise the activities of Dr. Shamsun Nahar Jolly, Dr. Habiba Begum and Dr. Sabiha Monwar, in their researches on various aspects of medical Microbiology including Rotavirus, HPV and Dermatophytes. Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, Head of the Department of Hygiene, Sapporo Medical University, Japan is a prodigious scientist with global reputation. He has original contribution in the fields of Rotavirus, Rickettssia, Drug resistant bacteria e.g. MRSA, ESBL, Enterococcus including VRE and so on. He started collaborative researches with Microbiology, MMC since 2005 and visits us at least once a year and sometimes twice also.

This is his 12th visit since 2005. Ever since the commencement of the unyielding collaborative activities, The Department of Microbiology, MMC  has  many joint researches with Sapporo Medical University, in particular, with Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, on Rotavirus, MRSA, Puerperal infection, Genital Chlamydiasis, Diarrheagenic E. coli, Enteric Fever, MDR, Kala-azar including PKDL and so on. The fields of collaboration are increasing day by day. During his every visit to MMC, Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi inspiringly extends his vast knowledge, prodigious skills and stupendous expertise - gathered over many years of cutting-edge research activities in the realm of Medical Microbiology, to our faculty members, PG students and technologists. His benevolent contribution to materialize PCR and other molecular techniques at The Department of Microbiology, MMC will ever be cherished with utter adoration. Moreover, he is also very generous to provide precious reagents and technological supports for the research works conducted by the department. In this connection, it is worth mentioning here,

Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul, now Associate Professor of this department, obtained PhD in 2010, under his supervision through the JSPS RONPAKU PhD program. In this program a student works for 9 months in Bangladesh and 1-3 months in Japan.

Visit of Dr. Bruno Levecke from Ghent University, Belgium.


Dr. Bruno Levecke from Ghent University of Belgium arrived in the department of Microbiology in Mymensingh Medical College

 on 30th September for 6 days visit. He came for a collaborative research on “Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) among school children of Mymensingh”.  During this visit he will deliver lectures on different aspects of STH and teach techniques for quantitative detection of eggs from stool by McMaster and Mini Floatech methods to the postgraduate (MPhil) students of this department.

This is a joint research project among Ghent University, Belgium, Department of Veterinary Medicine of Bangladesh Agriculture University, Mymensingh and Department of Microbiology. On the 1st day of visit, lectures were given and lab works were done at the dept of microbiology, mmc, among others Professor


Muzahid Uddin Ahmed and Mr. Amimul Ehsan, Associate Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Bangladesh Agriculture University were present. It may be mentioned here that Department of Microbiology, MMC also making collaborations with Sapporo University of Japan.

Dr. Bruno Levecke has brought Antihelminthic drugs for treatment of infected children and some instruments for this research.  He will visit some local school and discuss future plan of the project and leave on October 5, 2012.

Research work for PhD in collaboration with Sapporo Medical University

Dr. Salma Ahmed, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College is leaving tomorrow on October 20, 2013 for Sapporo Medical University, Japan. She will be working there for a period of 2 months. She is going there as JSPS Ronpaku PhD fellow. This is her 3rd visit as a part of research work for PhD in collaboration with Sapporo Medical University and Mymensingh Medical  College. Her research topic  is “Molecular epidemiology of Drug resistant bacteria causing puerperal infection in Bangladesh”.

Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, Professor of Hygiene is visiting our department

As a part of the continuing collaborative research activities, Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi is currently at The Department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College. He arrived on the 17th January, 2014 for his 7 days visit, up to the 23rd instant, to supervise a PhD student, Dr. Salma Ahmed, Associate Professor of this department, under JSPS RONPAKU PhD program. He will also supervise the activities of Dr. Rajib Ahmed, Dr. Masud Ahmed, Dr. Shamsunnahar Jolly and Dr. Faria Ferdousi, in their researches on various aspects of medical Microbiology including Rotavirus and MRSA.


Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, Head of the Department of Hygiene, Sapporo Medical University, Japan is an esteemed scientist with global reputation. He has original contribution in the field of Rotavirus, Drug  resistance bacteria eg, MRSA, ESBL, Enterococcus including VRE and so on. He started collaborative researches with Microbiology, MMC since 2005 and visits us at least once a year and sometimes twice also. This is his 11th visit since 2005.

Ever since the commencement of the unyielding collaborative activities, The Department of Microbiology, MMC  has  many joint researches with Sapporo Medical University, in particular, with Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, on Rotavirus, MRSA, Puerperal infection, Genital Chlamydiasis, Diarrheagenic Esch. coli, Enteric Fever, MDR, Kala-azar including PKDL and so on. The fields of collaboration is increasing day by day. During his every visit to MMC, Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi inspiringly extends his vast knowledge, prodigious skills and stupendous expertise - gathered over many years of cutting-edge research activities in the realm of Medical Microbiology, to our faculty members, PG students and technologists. His benevolent contribution to materialize PCR and other molecular techniques at The Department of Microbiology, MMC will ever be cherished with utter adoration. Moreover, he is also very generous to provide precious reagents and technological supports for the research works conducted by the department.

In this connection, it is worth mentioning here, Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul, now Associate Professor of this department, obtained PhD in 2010, under his supervision through the JSPS RONPAKU PhD program. In this program a student works for 9 months in Bangladesh and 1-3 months in Japan.

Professor Md. Akram Hossain is on one week visit to Sapporo Medical University.


Professor Md. Akram Hossain, Head department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College is on 1 week (15/10/2012 to 21/10/12) visit to Department of Hygeine, Sapporo Medical University. He has been invited by Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi of Sapporo Medical University.

Mymensingh Medical College is running collaborative research on various fields of Microbiology including diarrhea diseases caused by Rotavirus. Genital Chlamydia infection, MRSA, ESBL and puerperal sepsis. One faculty member of this department Dr. Shyamal kr. Paul obtained PhD from Sapporo University and another faculty member Dr. Salma Ahmed is doing PhD student under JSPS RONPAKU PhD program. This visit will expand the field of cooperation between Mymensingh Medical College and Sapporo Medical University.

Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi in Mymensingh Medical College

Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi from Sapporo University Japan has arrived for 8 days visit from July 25th to July 31, 2011 in the Department of Microbiology, Mymensingh medical College.


He came here to supervise  a PhD student  under JSPS RONPAKU PhD program. Last year one student obtained PhD from this department under this program. In this program a students works for 9 months in Bangladesh and 1-3 months in Japan.

He has many collaborative research program with Microbiology department including  Rotavirus diarrhoea, MRSA and Puerperal sepsis.  Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi also trained our MPhil Microbiology students PCR and other molecular techniques and He is kindly providing costly reagents for their research works. He started collaborative research works with MMC since 2005. 

Molecular approach for diagnosis of Rickettsia

A clinical meeting organized by the Department of Microbiology, MMC entitled "Molecular approach for diagnosis of Rickettsia: A collaborative initiative by the Dept. of Medicine & Microbiology" was held today (12.12.13) at 8.30 am in the hospital conference room of Mymensingh Medical College Hospital. Dr. Faria Ferdouse, presented the topic and Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul, Associate Professor of Microbiology, contributed his expert opinion. Among others, Director of the Hospital, Teachers, Doctors and postgraduate students of different disciplines took active part. This session was jointly chaired by Prof. Md. Akram Hossain, Head of the Department of Microbiology and Prof. Sattya Ranjan Sutradhar, Professor of Medicine. It is very relevant to mention here that this is the first report of molecular approach for Rickettsial diagnosis including species (Rickettsia felis) in Bangladesh.

Successful PCR in laboratory diagnosis of Rickettsial disease

Since the introduction of PCR in the Department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College in 2008. We have successfully diagnosed many infectious diseases like Tuberculosis including MDR TB, Kala-azar including PKDL, Genital Chlamydia, MRSA, ESBL, Diarrhoeagenic Esch coli and Campylobacter spp. In continuation of this molecular diagnostic approach, in this year PCR was used for the diagnosis of Rickettsial disease for which suitable tests are not available. Rickettsial culture is very difficult as well as hazardous done only in reference laboratories. This is first time PCR was used and standardized for specific laboratory diagnosis of Rickettsial fever in collaboration with Sapporo Medical University Japan under direct supervision of Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi since January 2013. After repeated trial and error, finally in September, 2013 Rickettsial disease was successfully diagnosed by Nested PCR using blood specimen from clinically and serologically suspected cases with a sensitivity of 48% out of 100 suspected cases.

Lab diagnosis of Rickettssia by PCR in Bangladesh

Lab diagnosis of Rickettssia by PCR in Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh, Bangladesh by Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, Sapporo Medical Universitay Japan. Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi, Sapporo Medical Universitay Japan has arrived in the department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College for 7 days visit from January 14, 2013 to January 20, 2013.  This is his 10th since 2005. He came here to supervise a PhD student Dr. Salma Ahmed, Assistant professor of this department under JSPS RONPAKU PhD program. Another student Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul, Associate Professor, obtained PhD from this department under this program in 2009.

In this program a student works for 9-11 months in Bangladesh and 1-3 months in Japan.  This time he came to establish laboratory diagnosis of Rickettssial fever by PCR, first of its kind in Bangladesh. He will also do some molecular works on Leishmania and MRSA. The Department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College  have  many collaborative research program with Sapporo Medical University since 2005,  including  Rotavirus diarrhoea, MRSA, Puerperal infection, Genital Chlamydia, Diarrheagenic Esch coli, Kalaazar including PKDL. This time he will work on Rickettssia.

Professor Nobumichi Kobayashi also trained our MPhil Microbiology students on PCR and other molecular techniques and he is kindly providing costly reagents for their research works.  Recently (14-17 October, 2012) Professor Md. Akram Hossain, Head of the department of Microbiology, visited Sapporo Medical university and Dr. Shyamal Kumar Paul, Associate Professor visited on February, 2012 by  the invitation and arrangement of Professor Kobayashi.


Dr. Salma Ahmed was there for  one month September 15, 2012- October 17 2012.




Copyright © 2015 Department of Microbiology, Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.